So it turns out one of the easiest ways to simplify your life is to not post anything on your blog for a year. Imagine that. Another way is to quit your job, which I did in a blaze of glory. A very quick way to make up for the time you saved from both of those feats is to get pregnant with a second baby approximately 48 hours after starting a blog about simplifying your life. Trust me. I know.
Little Henry is almost three months old now and here I am, once again, working at a frantic pace to simplify. So far I've created a chore chart in Outlook that automatically reminds me when I need to complete certain tasks. For instance, I am supposed to mop the wood floors every Monday and Friday. The only problem with that is that I end up getting so busy that I often push off the Monday mopping long enough that it ends up getting combined with the Friday mopping, which in turn often gets pushed back until the Monday mopping. So, I end up living with perpetually dirty floors. If only Microsoft could invent something in Outlook that actually does the chores for you....
I complete my favorite and most simple task of the day just before going to bed when I sneak into my kids' rooms to check on them. First, I make sure they are still breathing. (Am I the only person who still does that to a two year old?) Then I stare at them and get all warm and happy. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes that comes from a children's book titled "Someday." It reads, "Sometimes when you sleep I watch you dream and I dream, too." I actually had it made into a big vinyl quote for the wall above my daughter's bed a year and a half ago, but I haven't put it up yet. Lucky for me, I've got it on the schedule in Outlook to hang it right after I mop the floors next Monday.