Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A good start

I've been relatively obsessed recently with simplifying my life. For example, one way I've consciously started to take back control is to refrain from joining social networking sites, despite extensive social pressures. As enticing as it occasionally sounds, I already feel too short on time with people who matter the most to me to expend precious energy on people who didn't matter that much to me when I met them, and matter even less to me now. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they're by and large wonderful people. But if they meant that much to me, wouldn't we still make an effort to stay current on one anothers' lives? I'm certain there are exceptions to this rule, but I'm just not convinced the benefits outweigh the costs in this case. So why am I starting a blog, you ask? I don't know. It's partly because I couldn't fall asleep and ideas kept coming to my mind that sheep weren't able to overcome.

When I started thinking about one of my most recent victories in simplification, I almost immediately thought of Bumble and Bumble's hair powder. My stylist introduced me to this amazing invention and it has begun to revolutionize my routine. Per my husband's request and the fact that I'm still scarred from a horrific haircut almost a decade ago, I have relatively long hair. Because of this I spend a long time drying it and even longer styling it. I can generally go 48 hours between washes, but since I've started using this hair powder I can go three or four days. This is truly a miracle because I dread having to do my hair. When I was drying it on Sunday morning I spent nearly the entire time calculating how many hours a week I spend getting ready. I calculated that it takes me at least five hours a week to get showered, dressed and beautified. As much as I value trying to look presentable, that's a lot of time. And up until now I haven't been super successful in pairing down my routine. There are approximately seven billion things I'd rather be doing with that time than getting ready. For example, I'd love to be sleeping, or playing with my girl, or remembering to take my vitamins. So, if I can stretch my washes out an extra day or two, heavens knows I'm going to do it. The only negative to this hair powder is that it is in an aerosol can, which isn't easily snuck through security in carry-on bags (which I recently found out on a trip to Denver). But that is a story for another night....